Daddy's Dark Rules: A Dark Daddy Romance Read online

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Bec rolls her eyes at me. "You have a pretty high opinion of yourself."

  "Or maybe I’m just right."

  "You’re not." She sounds agitated and more like she’s trying to convince herself instead of me.

  "Suit yourself. It’s not like you have a choice. You’ll do as I say, or there’ll be consequences. And as smart as you are, you’ll learn quickly how to avoid those consequences because I don’t care if your ass is still black and blue from the last punishment. When you need correction, I will correct you."

  "Black and blue?"

  I smile. "Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that."

  She shakes her head. "That’s insane. I’m not going to have sex with you, and I’m not going to play your pretty little slave."

  I stroke the creamy skin of her thigh. "Yes, you will. I just bought you for an ungodly amount of money and can use you however I want. No one will help you. No one will come to your rescue. That is, of course, unless your stupid brother decides to show up for what will be his own funeral. You’re mine until your brothers pay their debt."

  "You make it sound like this will never happen."

  "It won’t because I have more than one way to prevent it." I push a strand of her lovely black hair behind her ear. "You’re mine, Bec. Daddy’s going to keep you."

  Chapter 6


  I must have heard that wrong. And I really don’t know what’s up with my body because the second Luke said it, my temperature went up a notch.

  What am I supposed to say that I haven’t already said? He’s insane, and I have no idea why on earth he thinks that I’m looking for someone to control me, to dictate me what to do.

  The thought alone is horrible. I can’t deny that I like a little booty slapping during sex, but to give up complete control and being beaten black and blue doesn’t sound like a good time to me. It sounds awful.

  And he basically admitted that he has no intentions over ever letting me go. He wants to keep me like some sort of pet and ruin my brothers. My throat is tight.

  His hand is still stroking my thigh. He works his way up farther and farther. "I can see your pulse right there." He leans closer and touches the hollow of my throat with the tip of his finger. "That little hitch when I said 'Daddy'? Priceless."

  "There was no hitch." My voice trembles and admits to my lies.

  "Of course not. And your pretty cunt isn’t wet with need, and you didn’t already think about sex, about how you like it a little bit rough, but only a tiny bit and not the stuff I mentioned." His grin is smug, and he pets my leg before pulling his hand away.

  How the hell does he know all those things? I can’t bear his eyes on me and turn my head to look out of the window.

  Daddy. That is just . . . wrong. Wrong, bad, and dirty. So fucking dirty.

  I swallow nervously. The lights of the city are glittering, and under normal circumstances I would find them pretty. But right now, all I can think about is the powerful, domineering man right beside me. The man that bought me, that had his goon break my brother’s arm. The man who took me and expects full obedience with offering me nothing in return.

  "I’m not submissive," I blurt out. "I like being on top."

  Luke laughs. It’s a deep and strangely soothing rumble that smoothens over my frayed nerves. "Don’t worry, you can be on top from time to time. There’s nothing like a pretty woman riding your dick while choking herself on your belt that you’re holding like reigns."

  Is he serious? And why is this picture so erotic? I should be appalled. Reigns. I don’t want reigns on me like how I don’t want to wear his freaking collar. Not that he offered me one, so I don’t even know why I’m thinking about it.

  I pull down the hem of my dress as far as I can. "That still doesn’t change the fact that I’m not submissive."

  "You are submissive, and as soon as we’re home, I’m going to prove it to you. No matter what that nasty voice inside of your head says, you’re yearning to give up control. You want to be bossed around. In fact, you can’t wait."

  I press my legs together because my clit suddenly starts throbbing. "That’s not true, Luke."

  He clicks his tongue. "Look at that. I almost forgot the most important rule. No more using my name. There’s only one way to address me. Not sir. Not master. You’ll call me Daddy. Do you understand that, darling?"

  "And if I refuse?"

  "Then I’ll have to make a difficult choice when we get home."

  My breath catches in my throat, and I can barely speak. "What choice?"

  "If I want to use the cane or a whip to punish you for refusing to obey me."

  I turn my head to look at him. Nope. He’s serious, like, really, really serious.

  "Say it," he demands. "Say you’ll be a good girl for Daddy."

  There it is again. That little thrill running down my spine. The word is on the tip of my tongue, and my curiosity gets the best of me.

  "I shouldn’t." I exhale because I wasn’t aware that I was holding my breath.

  "It doesn’t matter what your morale tells you. The only thing that matters is to obey me. Look at me, darling." His voice is like steel, cold and relentless, and I can detect hints of what’s going to happen if I continue to refuse him.

  I lift my eyes to meet his gaze.

  He smiles, and it does something funny to my stomach. Luke cups my face with both hands and strokes my cheeks with his thumbs. "Say it. You know you want to."

  All I want to do is close my eyes because the look from his piercing blue eyes is too intense. But he’s right. A part of me wants to say it, wants to try it on for size. "All right. Daddy."

  He nods slowly, a seductive smile spreading full on his lips. "Good. But that wasn’t all I asked, was it? Say you’ll be a good girl."

  "I’ve been taught not to lie."

  He chuckles. "Trust me, once we’ve started, you’ll want to obey me. Maybe not in the beginning, but once you’ve had a taste of submission, you’ll kneel for me and follow my every command."

  I get lost in his eyes, barely listening to what he says. Is it true? Is there a hidden submissive part inside of me that for some reason only Luke King can see? Or does he simply get some perverse kick out of those power games?

  I can’t promise to be good to someone who had my brother’s arm broken not even an hour ago.

  Resistance fills my mind, and I can hear the snap of the bone again. With a brisk motion, I swat Luke’s hands away. "You want me to obey, Daddy? Make me!" I spit the words at him.

  "Don’t worry. I will." He turns away and is silent for the rest of the drive.

  It’s dark outside, and I realize that I have no idea where we’re going. He said home, but where does he live?

  I just hope that Charlie is safe so I can run away at the first opportunity I get. This is exactly what I’m going to do. It was my plan to leave anyway after I’ve said goodbye to my brothers.

  Luke King is a fool if he thinks that I’m going to stay with him. As soon as I see a way out, I will take it.

  My newfound strength crumbles when we pull up into the driveway. It’s a long and narrow path, and even before we reach the well-secured gate, I count four armed guards.

  His property is surrounded by a thick wall with barbed wire on top. My plans of just walking out of here vanish into thin air. Even without the barbed wire, the wall is too high for me to climb.

  Another armed man opens the gate for us, and it takes at least thirty seconds before the giant mansion comes into view. Luke’s estate is huge. I guess being some kind of ruthless crime lord really pays off.

  He leans toward me, his lips almost touching my ear. "And? Are you thinking about running, darling?"

  "Why would I? I figure that you’ll lose interest soon enough when you find out that I’ll never be the little dull doll you want me to be."

  His laugh tickles me. "That’s where you’re wrong. I don’t want a dull doll. I want you exactly as you are, Rebecca Carson. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be as
entertaining to break you."

  The car stops, and the door is being opened. Luke takes my hands and gets out, pulling me along.

  I don’t have the time to get a proper look at his property before he enters the house and drags me up the stairs.

  He pushes two big doors open and motions for me to step into the room. I have no doubt that I’m about to enter his bedroom.

  The bed is big, made of whitewood, and has bloodred sheets. Anxiousness tingles inside my belly as I take the first step. I hear him closing the door behind us and locking it. My whole body is tense. He really locked us in so he can . . .

  So he can do whatever he wants with me. He passes me on his way to the bed. After he takes off his jacket, he starts rolling up the sleeves of his black dress shirt.

  His forearms look strong like the rest of him, and I’m staring at his muscles although I don’t want to.

  Luke sits down on the bed and smiles at me. Even when sitting, he looks tall and every bit as imposing as when he is standing. "I want you to undress for Daddy. Let me take a look at my newest possession."

  Hot anger rages through my veins, but I manage to just stand there while thinking about my options. At this moment, running is out of the question. Maybe later when Luke’s guard is down and I know how many armed men are actually patrolling his estate.

  I could just flat out refuse him, but if he didn’t have any hesitations about breaking my brother’s bones, I imagine he’ll have even less about whipping my ass.

  I hate it with all my heart, but right now, obeying him seems to be the only option. My fingers shake as I open the zipper behind my back. The dress slides off my shoulders, pooling at my feet.

  Luke’s eyes are mesmerizing as he watches my every move.

  I undo the clasp of the simple black bra I’m wearing. It’s nothing fancy since I wasn’t planning on seducing someone or getting abducted and forced to undress.

  "Fuck, darling, you have the prettiest tits I’ve ever seen."

  I don’t believe a single word he’s saying. No matter how nice they sound or how hungry he eyes me. I’m his captive, and I’d better not forget it.

  My shaking gets worse as I push my panties down. I really don’t want to do this, and yet I’m not even trying to fight. But what good would fighting do me? Nothing. It would only encourage Luke even more to 'punish' me as he had put it in the car.

  His gaze roams over my body, and I fight the impulse to cover me with my hands. He lingers on my pussy but luckily doesn’t comment on the fact that I’m clean shaven. I can’t help it, I like the feel of silky smooth skin when I touch myself.

  "Come here." He crooks his finger. As I take the first step, he shakes his head. "No, darling. In here, you’ll crawl."

  Unsure if I heard that correctly, I just stare at him in shock. He can’t be serious. I’m not his damn pet, and I most certainly will not humiliate myself by crawling. Didn’t I warn him that I’m not submissive?

  "No." I struggle to say even that little word. His audacity takes my breath away.

  Luke’s smile deepens as if he expected this answer. "Yes, you will. And don’t ever say no to me again."

  I stare to the ground as if I could find the answer to my dilemma there. Strangely enough, a part of me wants to please him. It’s been the longest day, and I just want to give in, let him take control. I seem to struggle with making decisions, and right now, I’m not exactly in my element. "I can’t." My voice is barely audible.

  "Yes, you can. Be a good girl, and crawl to me. It’s ultimately your choice between pleasure and pain, obeying and refusing."

  Heat pools in my belly. It’s the first time he mentions pleasure, and I have to admit that I’m intrigued.

  "I’m losing my patience, darling," he warns me and leans forward, propping his elbows on his strong thighs. "Be a good little slut, and crawl for Daddy."

  My stomach flips, and I have no idea what possesses me, but in the next second, I get on my hands and knees. It feels wrong yet so right. I’m tired of thinking and wish that my brain would just shut up.

  He nods his approval as I start crawling toward him. I can feel my breasts swinging free with every motion and the wetness between my thighs. My cheeks are burning, and I can’t look him in the eyes.

  I kneel before his feet, unsure what to do. Luke strokes my hair back and gently brushes his knuckles over my cheek.

  "Such an obedient girl. Very good." His praise sounds genuine, but I don’t know what to make of it. He pats his thighs. "Get over here."

  I bite my lip because I have an idea what’s going to happen now. I’ve seen enough porn to know. He wants to spank me. The question is what he’s going to do after that.

  In the porn I’ve watched so far, each spanking was followed by rough sex, mostly anal sex, and I’m not ready for that. I want to ask him, but then I’d have to admit what kind of porn I like to enjoy. The rough, kinky stuff, and I don’t want him to know. Especially not since I prefer not to think about it myself.

  To my surprise, Luke doesn’t spank me. Instead, he teases me with his fingers. With light touches, he brushes over the inside of my thighs and along my butt cheeks, but he doesn’t slap me.

  The soft touches are actually worse because they turn me on. I can feel the wetness seeping out of me. His fingers find my pussy, and without hesitation, he spreads my slick labia. He circles my clit and massages the little nub for a few seconds before pulling back.

  As hard as I try to contain my reactions, I’m helpless as a whimper escapes my throat. Luke doesn’t say anything. He just presses his hand onto my lower back. To my humiliation, I notice that I started moving, rubbing myself against his thigh like a hungry slut.

  Need like I’ve never felt it before fills my whole body. There’s only one thing I can think about—the hungry throbbing between my thighs.

  "Please," I beg before I realize what I’m doing.

  The bittersweet torment comes to an abrupt end as Luke slaps my ass. It stings, and I whimper.

  "If you want something, you’ll have to ask the proper way." He brings his hand down again.

  I yelp while wrecking my brain because I don’t know what he means. But then I remember, and the blood rushes to my cheeks. I don’t want to say it. I really don’t. My body doesn’t care. The need gets worse with every heartbeat, and all I can think about is how bad I want to climax. I lick my lips and contemplate giving in. At this point, there’s nothing left for me to lose. I’m naked over his thighs, and he thinks I’m his plaything anyway. What’s the point of making things unnecessarily hard for myself?

  "Please, Daddy."

  "That’s better," he praises before a particularly hard slap shocks my body.

  "Ouch! What was that for? I said it."

  "And?" Luke asks, his fingertips trailing the back of my thigh. "I decide if I want to hurt or to please you. Right now, I want to teach you a lesson in obedience, darling."

  The pain tingles deep inside of me. I don’t want him to teach me a lesson. I want him to—and the thought is deeply disturbing—fuck me.

  Without saying another word, Luke continues to slap my ass and the backsides of my thighs. The spanking becomes harder and harder and harder to a point where I’m surprised how much I can take.

  I want to beg him to stop, but my curiosity gets the best of me because I also want to find out how far he’ll go.

  My breath hitches as I feel him roughly spreading my butt cheeks apart. I try to choke down my hysterical sobs since I’m quite sure that I won’t like that next part. Yet I hold still. I don’t wriggle or try to escape. I just wait for my doom.

  Luke doesn’t do anything. He apparently just stares at me. At least, that’s what I imagine since I really can’t bring myself to turn my head and have a look. It’s too humiliating. I don’t want to watch him staring at my anus.

  "Just one question, darling, and I want you to answer it immediately. No thinking or pondering what the right answer could be. Just say what you think."

  I just lie there, limp on his thighs, and nod curtly.

  "Do you want to be my good girl?"

  Before my brain can intervene, I hear myself saying, "Yes, Daddy."

  His fingers dip into my pussy. "You need it bad, don’t you?"

  I can hear the wet noises, and the blood starts pounding in my ears. "Yes, I need it, Daddy."

  For the first time in a long time, I don’t feel like I’m lying anymore.

  "Look at you, darling. What a good little obedient slut you can be." He lifts me off his legs and positions me on the bed on all fours.

  I don’t dare to move a muscle. Not as I hear him undressing behind me. Not as the mattress dips when he kneels behind me.

  "You’re mine, Bec."

  I feel his cock on my wet pussy lips, but Luke doesn’t push it in, at least, not all the way. The tip is just nestled between my slick folds, but it’s not enough. Not nearly enough.

  My pussy clamps down like it’s frustrated not to be filled already. I grit my teeth and try not to wriggle my hips impatiently since I now have a decent understanding how much good demanding things from Luke will do me.

  Luke pushes his dick a little deeper and starts circling my anus with his thumb. I’m nervous and incredibly horny at the time. It’s a slightly confusing feeling to say the least. Surprisingly gently, he coaxes the tight muscle ring to relax before he slips his thumb in.

  As he shoves his thumb deeper, he fills my pussy with his cock, and it’s more an invasion of my mind than of my body.

  Luke starts playing with my ass, moving his finger in circles to open me up even more, while fucking me with leisurely thrusts.

  His thumb hurts since I have absolutely no anal experience, and yet a thrill races down my spine as I imagine taking his cock there.

  "That’s what I want," Luke groans as he buries himself to the hilt in my wet pussy. "It’s for me to decide if I want to torture or to pleasure you. And you, my precious little fucktoy, just have to take it."

  My only reply is a low moan as Luke starts fucking me with harder strokes, each one deeper than the last one.